The Fiscal Cliff will become a large part of my family’s financial struggles next year. It is said that when we go over this so called “cliff”, which is actually more of a slope, the unemployment of the United states will reach about 9% and our taxes will go up. The taxes that are going up will be the payroll tax, not the income tax. I also read there will be $2000 added on to everyones payment to the government. But when we think about how this cliff will put the U.S into another recession, that higher payroll tax is going to take a large dip out of everyone’s income especially when people are losing their jobs. It will be even harder for families that make their livings as farmers, like mine, because a recession and the onset of a two year drought will weaken our economy even more.
I do believe that Congress will come up with a plan; whether it is good or not is a different story. The reason we are having so much trouble is the fact that the Republicans and Democrats are disputing, and some believe we need a long term plan rather than just a short lived, unuseful plan. A long term plan would be nice, but do we have time for that at this point in time? So in my opinion we should get rid of the bush era tax cuts and raise each class’s taxes. Now my opinion is just an opinion and I am not saying it is right. But when we look at where our economy is right now we need to pay down our debt and cut spending to start making our way back on top.
I am sort of in-between the Republican and Democrat stand points because i don’t completely agree with either; but if I had to say I would say that I am leaning more towards the Republican side. What we really need is some leadership from our representatives in Congress to step up and do the right thing.